Thursday, May 26, 2005

Blogger Fingers His Own Killer

A lot has been written about the power of the blog, but this is a new one. File this one under "strange, but true" -- a blogger has used his blog to solve his own murder and the murder of his sister.

On May 12, Simon Ng posted a brief entry in his weblog. Part of the entry reads...
"Anyway today has been weird, at 3 some guy ringed the bell. I went down and recognized it was my sister's former boyfriend. He told me he wants to get his fishing poles back. I told him to wait downstair while I get them for him. While I was searching them, he is already in the house. He is still here right now, smoking, walking all around the house with his shoes on which btw I just washed the floor 2 days ago! Hopefully he will leave soon..."

When police investigated the murders of Ng and his sister, the former boyfriend, Jin Lin, was quickly identified as a possible suspect. He denied being there, but his alibi crumbled when he was confronted with the blog entry.

The New York Daily News has all of the details.


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